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What Is A Prepper Pantry-Why Do You Need One?
People hear the word “Prepping” and they think what a total freakish thing that is. Well, it isn’t and neither are you. All being a Prepper (or Prepping) means in large general terms is: Preparation or Preparedness. For what you may ask? Well, lets name a few that totally make sense. How about emergencies? How about pandemics? How about disasters of all kinds? Now that I have you thinking, lets explore a Pepper Pantry and why you DO need one below!
So What IS a Prepper Pantry Anyway?
Prepper pantries are the backbone of the prepper (or prepping) way of life. It is essentially just like your normal pantry, but more well thought out and made to last. It is the place where you store all the food you need in the event of a disaster ore emergency that may keep you from being able to live normally. And when we say live normally that could simply mean the inability to get to the grocery store for long periods of time. These foods would be shelf-stable for long periods of time; like dry rice and beans, canned goods, dehydrated or freeze-dried foods, etc. Having all of these types of foods stored up can help you through several different types of emergencies. Emergencies such as:
- Crazy weather like hurricanes and tornadoes, floods, long periods of cold or heat
- Shut-downs, lock downs and everything in-between
- Famines or food shortages of all kinds
- Prolonged illnesses or Nationwide (worldwide) Medical disasters
- Man made disasters including rumors (or actual) Wars or Conflicts
- Family emergencies requiring isolation
The list can go on and on. Can you think of a few more reasons? If you can, comment below so we can all share in the conversation!
Who can benefit from building a prepper pantry?
Absolutely anyone can benefit from creating their very own prepper pantry! You never know what could happen; and if you live in a particularly high risk or turbulent area, you will definitely not regret stocking one up. Prepper pantries are perfect for anyone that wants to be prepared for getting themselves and their family through a potential catastrophe. This is especially true if you have a large family with children or more elderly family members. You will want to make sure any dietary restrictions are met, as well as having foods any picky little ones will eat enough of. It is always a good idea to stock up on non-perishable foods that are also enjoyed by you and your family. It is not necessary to only prepare with MREs and bland calories. You can be creative with your shopping, as long as you make sure to have the supplies needed to prepare the things you eat!

My working pantry that I pull from first.
When will you need your prepper pantry?
Emergency situations of all kinds are good times to have a well-stocked prepper pantry. You will have supplies you need for virtually any situation that comes about. The more thought you put into your prepper pantry the better prepared you will be. Your prepper pantry is the lifeline your family may need in the event of a life-altering situation that impacts your lives or entire town, state, or country. From an unexpected job loss, to a natural disaster, long-term power outage, or epidemic; your prepper pantry will be there to get you and your family through safely without starving.

5 Gal containers holding dry goods such as beans, rice and flour.
Mama Kat’s Final thoughts
If you do decide a prepper pantry is the right step for you to take for yourself and your family, here are a few simple things to keep in mind:
- Keep it in a cool, dry place
- Make sure it is pest proof
- Be aware of how much of each item you will need for everyone for a certain amount of time.
I hope this has been useful in helping you decide whether you need a prepper pantry for you and your family. I hope by now that I have persuaded you to look into building your very own Prepper Pantry.
In the coming weeks we will take a look at various topics concerning your Prepper Pantry and how to build one for yourself. Here are a few articles in the coming weeks to look forward to:
- A Working Pantry & a Long Term Storage Pantry
- Short & Long Term Storage Options for Prepper Pantry
- Making a Prepper Pantry Work for You
- Shelf Stable Staples You Gotta Have
Will you be starting a Prepper Pantry? Or maybe you already have one, but life has truly gotten in the way and your Pantry is looking a little bare? Let me know in the comments where you are in your Pantry and perhaps we can share tips with each other to get our Pantries full!
Let’s stay prepared, happy stocking!
Stay Prepared, read more Prepping posts here:
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Howdy there, I’m Kat. I’m so glad you found my site, WELCOME! I’m a southern gal with a gypsy soul, making North Texas my home!
Married to one amazing hubby, we have 4 crazy kids, & 4 crazy cats. Pull up a seat, grab a glass of sweet tea & stay awhile!
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