Lowering Your Risk of Breast Cancer Lowering your risk of breast cancer begins with lifestyle changes and includes monthly self-breast exams and knowing what to look for. Let’s dive into what we can to proactively to lower our risk of breast cancer. If you haven’t checked out our previous article in this series; Cancers affecting
Cancers affecting Women
Cancers Affecting Women Let’s replace fear with knowledge and learn about the most common Cancers affecting Women and how we can proactively strive to prevent them in our lives. For a woman, there are few things as persistently terrifying as cancer. What woman has not been affected – if not themselves, a close relative or
An Apple a Day
[wptb id=2918] An Apple a Day Apples are one of my favorite fruits and easy to do the “Apple a Day” kick. They are versatile, portable, inexpensive, and unlike a lot of other fruit, they store pretty well. They also have quite a few surprising health benefits. There’s good reason why we have the saying