Welcome to the God page!
I’m glad you’re here!
I have a busy life…don’t we all? Sometimes life is so full, I have to step off that “go-go-go” rat race and take care of ME. It’s one of my motto’s for my life. So, if I can’t make it to “church” and spend time with God and fellow believers, then church comes to me. After all, the good book does say; “where two or more are gathered…”. So in that spirit, I hope to post a link every Sunday to a new LIVE feed from our online Pastor for you to enjoy and perhaps learn a little and feel refreshed from God.
A little bit about me
Quickly, just a little bit of background, I was Mormon my whole life growing up as a kid into young adulthood. I even converted my 1st husband into the church and we were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple. So, I know the “ins and outs” of Mormonism including what goes on in the temple.
But about 30 years ago I became a born again Christian. And as time permits I will have updates and posts on the blog about both journeys, with links at the bottom of this page as well. If you have ANY questions about either Mormonism OR Christianity…I would love to hear from you, let’s start a conversation. Just send me a message down below.
Now, on to the Online Church that we “attend”. You will also find below that I have a link to a FREE King James BIBLE for you and also some “Godly Goodies”
(updated every Sunday here @ 2PM Central)
FREE God-ly goodies for you – please download (right click-save) and share!
Need a FREE Bible?
Click on the download button above to download a FREE King James Version Bible program to your computer.
This basic installation includes the King James Bible, King James with Strong’s numbers study Bible, Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries, Smith’s Bible Dictionary, Through the Bible Day by Day (F. B. Meyer) commentary, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge cross references, and Morning & Evening (Charles H. Spurgeon) devotional.
May God bless you and keep you,
I would love to hear from you, let’s start a conversation. Just send me a message below:
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