Howdy there! My name is Kat and I’m glad you found my little corner of North Texas – welcome to the About me page!
I’m a southern gal at heart, but also a bit of a gypsy. Having traveled and lived in various states of the west, from Utah to California, I am now firmly planted in North Texas and quite happy to call this amazing state my home.
I am married to the most amazing man this side of the Mississippi for ever and a day and between us we have 4 crazy, awesome kids. PLUS 4 cats that keep us on our toes.
Our family is quite interesting, we’re kinda like the “Brady Bunch”. Just not as many kids. We firmly believe in God and the 10 commandments. We are staunch constitutional conservatives. We believe in the 2nd amendment and the right to bear arms AND we are fully licensed and comply with all gun laws both local and federal. We believe you should live the “Golden Rule” and use those manners your parents taught you too!
Friends are always welcome at our home, no phone call required and of course there is always room for a few more at the dinner table. You’ll find us most weekends at the dragstrip, racing my hubby’s 67 GTO. And when we’re not racin, we’re fixin it!
And finally, we love this great land of ours that we are blessed to live in called the USA!
An interesting thing happened on this journey called life about 10 years ago, something called Menopause came charging into my life and totally messed, I mean changed my life forever. One of the purposes of this blog is to share with you my journey through Menopause; the ups and downs, the good/bad/ugly and hopefully share some of the lessons I have learned as well.
Most of us have women in our lives (mom, sister, aunt etc…) or very close girlfriends, that can help to lead us down the Menopause Path. Unfortunately I did not and have had to find my own way, perhaps that is you too? I would be honored if you would allow me to help you journey down your own path. Be sure and check out the Menopause Page to get started.
- I will also be sharing my simply Semi-homemade recipes, including new Texas/southern style foods.
- My hopes and dreams for a beautifully abundant garden, that I learn more and more about each year as the garden teaches ME. Come learn with me! Start digging into the Garden articles HERE.
- We will be updating frequently on our “Urban-steading”, “Prepping”, Canning and as often as possible on our off grid adventures too, so check back often!
Thank you for joining me here at Mama Kat’s Texas, I look forward to getting to know you!
Don’t be a stranger…Y’all come back now, ya hear?!! (cheezy I know, but I had to do it)!
If you would like to contact me with questions, comments or suggestions, I would love to hear from you! Just fill out the form below:
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